Emeria, world’s leading provider of real estate services and technologies
Emeria is the world’s leading provider of real estate services and technologies, providing services to both individuals and businesses. We assist our residential and commercial customers at every stage of their property journey with competitive and comprehensive service offerings: acquisition, lease and renting, block management and sales.
The Group operates mainly in Europe in 8 countries and has a strategy of multi branding.
Our residential real estate services business is the leader in France, operating under the Foncia brand through a unique network of over 500 branches. We also hold leading positions in Switzerland, Germany and the UK and have a strong presence in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal where we operate under various brands through a network of over 200 branches.
Restons vigilants
Le Groupe Emeria est victime d’une usurpation d’identité par des individus prétendant agir en son nom.
La proposition d’investir dans des produits de placements financiers et des investissements immobiliers est frauduleuse, et la documentation transmise utilisant l’adresse du siège d’Emeria, son numéro d’immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des sociétés en reprenant le logo du groupe Emeria n’est en aucun cas lié à notre groupe, pas davantage que les personnes se présentant au téléphone ou par courriel comme agissant pour leur compte afin de collecter des fonds et d’inciter à réaliser des placements financiers.
Nous rappelons que notre groupe Emeria n’a aucune activité de démarchage, distribution ou placement de produits financiers. Nous vous invitons donc à la plus grande vigilance. Nous restons par ailleurs à la disposition de toute personne ayant été démarchée par ces individus à l’adresse suivante : communication@emeria.eu
Emeria Group’s identity has been misused by scammers pretending acting on its behalf. Scammers pretending working for Emeria Group have offered by phone and by email to invest in financial products and in real estate investments, in order to raise money illegally. These attemps have nothing to do with Emeria Group.
The use of the Emeria group’s address, logo and legal information used on these documents is fraudulent. Be aware that Emeria Group has no activity of solicitation for financial placements and real estate investments.
If you are contacted by these people, please inform us and write to the email: communication@emeria.eu
employees in 8 countries
Our brands
To access our quarterly and annual reports,
please visit the Financial publications section of this website