Terms and conditions


Emeria has created and made available www.emeria.eu for the personal use of its approved users. By connecting to, and accessing, the Site, you accept these general terms and conditions of use (“T&Cs”) in full and without qualification. All these conditions apply to users, who must read the T&Cs whenever they access the Site.


Emeria, a simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifiée) with equity of €593,688,196; operating under French law; registered address 18-19, place des Reflets – Tour Aurore – 92400 Courbevoie, France; number 820 204 766 RCS NANTERRE in the Nanterre Commercial and Companies Register.

  • Publisher: Philippe Salle, President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Editor: Valérie Catau


Emeria – IT Division 18-19, place des Reflets – Tour Aurore – 92400 Courbevoie, France.


EGUE (490 648 607 RCS Bordeaux) for Emeria.


Personal data collected by Emeria undergo automatic processing in order to comply with legal obligations and more specifically to facilitate access to financial publications in connection with an investment. For more information, please refer to our Privacy policy.

In accordance with Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 in the version currently in force, and with European regulation (EU) 2016/679 called “GDPR”, the User has a right to access, rectification, portability, restriction, objection and erasure of the information concerning him or her, to be submitted to Emeria, by directly contacting the data protection officer (DPO) at the following email address: dpo@emeria.eu.
The User also has a right to make a complaint to the CNIL through its website www.cnil.fr or by post: CNIL – 3 place de Fontenay TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris Cedex 07.


Visitors to the Site are hereby informed that information may be temporarily stored on our servers or their hard drive to ensure a consistent and efficient user experience.
Visitors of the Site acknowledge having been informed of this practice and allow Emeria to do so. They may also reject cookies through the relevant feature in their web browser.
The Site collects personal information supplied by Users while visiting the Site.

This collection allows:

  • The compilation of general statistics about the traffic on the Site,
  • The sending of responses to inquiries, various information or advertising from the Site Provider to the email addresses supplied by Users.

Personal data processing and collection on the Internet must comply with the respect of fundamental human rights. Therefore the Publisher is committed to a processing policy that guarantees compliance with law n°78-17 on data storage and handling of 6 January 1978. In addition, according to this law, any user of the Site has a right to access, modification, rectification, or erasure of personal data concerning him or her. He/she may exert these rights by contacting the Publisher, whose details may be found at the top of the page.



The Site is the intellectual creation of Emeria within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 et seq. French Intellectual Property Code and of all other French and international legislation.
Everything on the Site, including photographs, text, slogans, drawings, images, animations with or without sound and all intellectual creations included on the Site are the property of Emeria. All reproduction and representation rights pertaining to everything on the Site are therefore strictly reserved and are subject to the prior express permission of Emeria.
The reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, and modification using any procedure whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever of all or any part of the Site without the prior express permission of Emeria is strictly prohibited and constitutes forgery.


The company names, trademarks and distinctive signs reproduced on the Site are protected under trademark law.
The names Foncia and Emeria and the respective logos are some of the trademarks filed by Group Companies.
Other trademarks are named and identified by a capital letter. These trademarks generally belong to Emeria or Group Companies, which may also hold the associated user rights. They are also protected under trademark law.
The reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, and modification of these trademarks without the prior express permission of Emeria and/or the Group Company concerned is strictly prohibited and constitutes forgery.


Details given on the Site are for information only and do not constitute a contract of any kind.
Emeria accepts no liability for:

  • errors, inaccuracies and omissions in information given on the Site unless such information is a legal requirement;
  • direct and/or consequential damage with whatsoever cause, origin, nature or consequence that is the result of access to, or inability to access, the Site,
  • direct and/or consequential damage to hardware, loss of data and/or financial loss resulting from connection to, or use of information collected from, the Site.

Emeria reserves the right to amend, correct and delete content from the Site at any time without notice. Amended and updated T&Cs will apply as soon as they are published online.

Users must take all necessary action to protect their hardware, data and software.


The Site is operated by Emeria, which is registered in France. The present T&Cs are governed by French law.
Users who connect to the Site from countries outside France must comply with the law applicable in those countries.
Disputes concerning the interpretation, application and/or implementation of this document are subject to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris.


24 May 2024